How to Find the Beste Mobilabonnement in Norge


In the digital age that we’re currently in, there are few things more important than mobile phones.  They’re something that pretty much everyone has to have, whether you’ve got a smartphone or a “dumb” phone (flip phone).  Chances are, you’ll be communicating through this device quite a lot on any given day.

In fact, for a lot of us out there, the majority of our work communication will be done with our cell phones.  Whether it’s phone calls from your boss, texts with coworkers sorting out shifts or group projects, or even simple communications over Skype, Teams, Slack, or whatever service your company uses…all of this can be done on smartphones, and it’s the option that a lot of us take these days.

No matter where you are in the world, as you can see on this page, these smart devices are pretty important.  This means, in turn, that the plans we utilize to own them are also pretty critical.  Today, we’ll be covering what mobile phone plans are, how they work, and what sorts of services you can expect out of them.  

The Basics of Mobile Phone Plans

There’s a lot to cover here, so let’s delve right in.  What’s the basic definition of these plans?  Well, simply put, these plans are a form of subscription service that providers offer to consumers for their cell phones.  They provide the consumer with a certain amount of phone, text, and data minutes, though this tends to vary based on several different factors.  We’ll cover that in more detail further on.


There are few things that are more important in a plan than the texting “minutes.”  Usually, this will be some sort of number limiting the number of regular SMS messages that can be sent from all phones in the same plan (after all, family plans can have multiple lines).  It’s a shared total.

Now, some devices don’t send SMS texts by default – for instance, iPhones utilize iMessage between different iPhones so long as there is Wi-Fi connection (or data, but we’ll cover that soon).  Whether or not you’ve got an iPhone, though, it may be worth considering an unlimited text plan.

With unlimited plans, you’ll get pretty much what’s on the tin – any phones under that plan will be able to send an unlimited number of texts, regardless of the pay period.  This isn’t necessary for individuals or families that don’t tend to send texts often, but a lot of folks find the unlimited option quite useful.


Another aspect of these plans that often comes to mind in these discussions is, of course, voice minutes.  When making a phone call (domestically), this is what you’ll be using.  Note: this doesn’t apply to FaceTime, as that is over Wi-Fi or internet. 

With that said, voice minutes function quite similarly to text ones in that everyone included on the plan will share the total number of minutes.  While a lot of families and individuals did opt for unlimited voice minutes even a decade ago, these days, it often isn’t quite as important as unlimited text or data usage.

Still, it’s worth thinking about this if you’re trying to find the best mobilabonnement tilbud in Norway.  Try to consider whether you use your minutes a lot (or would potentially get usage out of them).  If the answer is no, you’ll probably be safe with a smaller number of them!

International Communications

Whether you’re calling or texting internationally, this can be quite expensive.  Calling does tend to be pricier.  Certain plans, especially throughout Norway, will include some international minutes for texts and calls by default.  If you won’t use them, you can request to remove them, but throughout Europe it does make sense to have some stashed away.

While a lot of folks utilize external messaging services such as WhatsApp or Discord to communicate internationally, having the minutes and texts included can help in emergencies or with communicating with anyone who isn’t on those alternate platforms.


With cellphones, data is one of the most important parts of using them when we aren’t connected to our home internet.  You see, data refers to the ability to connect to the internet and stream content while not connected to Wi-Fi.  It’s an increasingly integral part of these plans right now.

After all, while public spaces do sometimes offer Wi-Fi, these connections typically aren’t very secure.  There’s always a risk that our information could be stolen through nefarious hackers connected as well.  Having sound data connection can prevent that from happening.

As with texts and voice calls, there is usually a limit on how much data can be used in each payment cycle based on your plan.  They’ll be measured in gigabytes, usually shortened to GB.  If you don’t think a set amount will be sufficient, though, you can opt for the unlimited option.

Unlimited data will cost you more, the same as with the other ones in a similar vein, so it will be up to you to decide whether or not it’s worth the extra cash to you.  If you’re sharing the plan with family members or your partner, you may want to consult with them as well.

Picking the Right Plan for You

Now that we’ve covered the basics of what these contracts have to offer, let’s take a look at how we can go about picking the best option for our needs.  Naturally, this will vary depending on where in Norway you live, how many lines you plan to include in the plan, and what providers are nearby.

With that in mind, one of the first things you’ll want to think about is how much data you think you’re going to need.  Often, unlimited data is a good idea, especially if multiple lines are included.  After all, under these plans, all of the data, minutes, and texts are shared.

However, if you’re only getting the subscription for one person, and you’re not really in need of a lot of data, a set amount of two GB may be a safe bet!  This determination will be a huge step in finding the right fit for you, as there are many options out there that include both unlimited and set amounts of data in conjunction with text and voice minutes.

Once you’ve gotten that sorted, you can also think about text and voice minutes of course.  Hopefully, we’ve already explained that in enough depth.  Just decide what would be the right fit for you and your family, where applicable.

From there, you can start to shop around.  You could use the resources we’ve provided as a launching point if you need help on that front!  Essentially, you’ll want to compare the rates that the different providers offer with the features you’re looking for.  Try to select the one that offers the most features while still not being overly expensive in order to get the “best” deal.

Mobile phone plans are a big part of life, so it makes sense to spend time on a project like this – especially if you’re simply looking to change the plan that you currently have.  Take advantage of the access we have to these resources and compare your options thoroughly before making a definitive decision!